Alan Wheeler – General Delegate
Textiles Division of the Bureau of International Recycling (BIR)
Textile Recycling Association (UK)
Alan is based in London, United Kingdom
BIR is the global trade association for the recycling industry, representing over 760 member companies from the private sector and 36 national associations in more than 70 countries, with divisions covering Ferrous and Non-Ferrous metals, paper, steel, plastics, tyres, e-scrap as well as textiles. Alan is also director of the Textile Recycling Association, the UK’s national trade association for collectors, graders and processors of used clothing and textiles.
For more information, please visit:
Baptiste Carriere-Pradal – Vice President, Europe
Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC)
Baptiste is based in San Francisco, USA
Baptiste opened the European office of the SAC and oversees overall European activities and European based work streams. He co-ordinates the collaborative efforts of the coalition towards European governments, authorities, and organizations. He makes sure that European members receive the support they deserve. Baptiste is responsible for launching the Social and Labour convergence project.
For more information, please visit:
Jef Wintermans – Coordinator
Covenant Sustainable Fashion and Textiles at the Sociaal-Economische Raad (SER)
Jef is based in The Hague, Netherlands
Jef is Coordinator of the Covenant Sustainable Fashion and Textiles at the Sociaal-Economische Raad (SER). 75 organisations have signed the covenant to work together to address social ethical and environmental issues in the production of clothing and textiles destined for Dutch consumers.
For more information, please visit:
Juergen Janssen – Programme Manager
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
German Partnership for Sustainable Textiles
Juergen is based in Germany
Juergen is programme manager at GIZ and head of the office of the German Partnership for Sustainable Textiles since 2016. The Textile Partnership is a multi-stakeholder initiative with more than 180 members aiming at improving the social, ecologic and economic conditions along the whole textile value chain.
For more information, please visit:
Laila Petrie – Manager, Global Partnerships
WWF International
Laila is based in England, United Kingdom
Laila has worked within the global partnerships team at WWF International since 2011. She currently co-ordinates the WWF strategy for the textiles sector. This includes corporate partnership development and management, external advisory roles and relationship building, global strategy co-ordination and research into new areas of textile sustainability.
For more information, please visit:
Mauro Scalia – Head of Sustainable Businesses
Mauro is based in Brussels, Belgium
Mauro’s role in Euratex addresses all sustainability matters in coordination with the member national and European associations. He graduated cum laude in Political Sciences with specialization in Politics and Economics at the University of Catania, Italy. Before joining Euratex (2004) he worked in consulting, industrial research and the European Commission. He speaks Italian, English, French and German.
For more information, please visit:
Rebecca Earley – Managing Director
Becky is based in London and Sweden
Becky has been a design researcher at University of the Arts London since 2000: Textiles Environment Design (TED) 2000-2016; Director of the Textile Futures Research Centre (TFRC) 2010-2017; and is now Co-Director of Centre for Circular Design (CCD). She researches sustainable design strategy, curates exhibitions, and creates original materials, models and prototypes. She works with organisations to embed sustainable design research within the academic and corporate culture. Becky currently works on two Swedish-based projects – MISTRA Future Fashion and Trash-2-Cash.
For more information, please visit: